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Meet Our Team! Jimmy Drevos: Journeyman

How long have you worked at Soep? I have proudly worked at Soep Painting since 1991.

What do you feel is unique about working at Soep? I feel the most unique aspect of Soep is our people, my co-workers. They are highly trained, skilled, and very knowledgeable on what it takes to get a job done in a timely and professional manner.

How is your role critical to the strategic vision and success of Soep? I think every role in our company is vital. From our apprentices, who handle prepping, sanding drywall, etc. to the journeyman spraying, brushing and rolling, to our wallcovering guys hanging material, to the foreman overseeing it all, every role is critical.

What is the most memorable project you’ve been involved with at Soep? One of the most memorable projects I was associated with was the Moakley Federal Courthouse at the Seaport in 1998. It was very challenging in that it was the first building to be built in the “new neighborhood." The building was erected with a stone in the lobby that has the name of each and every worker engraved on it. A very noteworthy tribute to all of us that will definitely last my lifetime and hopefully much longer.

What is the most satisfying aspect of your job? It would have to be when the project is signed over to the owner. Taking it from scratch to the finished look with a thankful developer is a great feeling.

Which of Soep’s Core Values do you feel is the most critical to the company’s success? All of our Core Values are important. But to me it would have to choose Team Player. Any successful project, organization, company or team needs all its members to be on the same page. Teamwork will make just about any job go smoother and definitely more enjoyable to work on!

Finish the sentence. When I’m not at work, you’ll find me…

When I am not at work, you will find me probably spending time with my family: my wife Jacqueline, daughter Lauren, and my son Nicholas. It’s enjoyable to me and so important. It balances my life immensely. Also, we can’t forget following the Red Sox intently. I see another World Series trophy added to their collection this October!! Go Sox!!!

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